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2023-10-11 Conda Community Meeting

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Various parts of the conda community gather on a regular basis. This meeting brings together all of these sub-communities for a community wide call.


NameInitialsAffiliationGH Username
Bianca HendersonBHAnacondabeeankha
Wolf VollprechtWVprefix.devwolfv
Filipe FernandesFFconda-forgeocefpaf
Bas ZalmstraBZprefix.devbaszalmstra
Daniel HolthDHAnacondadholth
Rachel AsquithRAAAnacondarasquith
John KirkhamJKNVIDIA/cfjakirkham
Dave ClementsDPCAnacondatnabtaf
Jaime Rodríguez-GuerraJRGQuansight/cfjaimergp

10 people in total


  • (WV) New core member Bas Zalmstra 🎉


  • (BH) New Build Tools Team!
    • 10a Eastern Nov 2
    • If you're interested in joining the GitHub group, please leave a comment on the issue linked above!

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